Commission & Committees

Cemetery Committee

View the Silver Cliff Cemetery information and fees.

Please contact Sue Victoreen at (715)850-1058 for information related to cemetery concerns.

Comprehensive Planning Commission

The Comprehensive Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Monday at the Town Hall at 6:00 p.m.

These meetings are open to the public!

The Commission deals with all property divisions in the Town of Silver Cliff. Before subdividing any property, please contact this commission.

If you have questions about building ordinances or other town ordinances, driveway guidelines, variances, subdividing property, or anything that pertains to being a landowner, please contact this commission.

Sabin Rosenbaum - (715) 850-2664

General Members:
Mike Smith, Sabin Rosenbaum, Dan Simmer, Chris Norton

View our Ordinances

Building Permit Forms

Park Committee

View the Silver Cliff Memorial Picnic Area permit for information.

Please contact Cletus DePrey at (920) 639-8574 for additional information.

Recycle Center Committee

Committee meetings are held montly or as needed, please check this website calendar for dates and times or contact our chairperson.

Please contact Chairperson Don Schmidt at (414) 630-1510

Committee Members
: Don Schmidt, Sue Victoreen, Marilyn Kowis, Gwen Schmidt, Lisa Weinrich, and Dee Farley


Road Committee

Please contact Town Chair Bruce Weber at (920)461-9938 or for additional information.

Road Crew

Hours of Operation: 
Daylight Savings Time
6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday
